Take advantage of unparalleled transportation with Angora Lines.

Comprehensive Sea Transport Services
From the Black Sea to the Indian Ocean, we specialize in seamless transport solutions across the seas – B. Sea – Med Sea – Red Sea- India- Bengal Gulf- and beyond!

Tailored Transportation Solutions
At Angora Ocean Lines, we design exclusive transportation strategies tailored to meet your unique needs. By seamlessly integrating land and sea transport, we elevate the entire logistics process.

all-purpose Cargo Handling
From steel cargoes to bulk and bagged grain, palletised fertilizers to heavy machinery, we handle it all with expertness. Our expertise spans, Project cargoes, Steel Pipes, Motor vehicle, transformers, Track-Type Tractor, off-highway Trucks, Track loaders, Forest Machines, Industrial loaders, Wheel Dozers, Wheel excavators, Heavly lifts. and more!

Premium Service Guarantee
Experience premium-quality service with Angora Ocean Lines. Our commitment to excellence ensures fast, economical, and reliable transportation, supported by modern technology and excellent facilities.

Flexible Chartering Options
Beyond our managed vessels, we offer chartering services from trusted partners, providing a diverse range of vessels tailored to your specifications.

Full Container Transportation Expertise
Whether it’s FCL or specialized containers, we’ve got you covered. Choose from standard 20ft/40ft/40hc containers or opt for specialized equipment like open top, flat rack, or reefer platform or 45ft containers. We provide port-to-port or door-to-door transportation with Angora Ocean Lines.

We Provide Regular Breakbulk service between Marmara Sea (Derince port) and the ports of Adriatic (Koper Port) and from Marmara / Aegean Sea to Continent Ports with our own vessels every 12/14 days.

Route Highlights
Adriatic Lines: Derince -> Koper/Chioggia/Trieste/P.Nogaro/Ravenna/Rijeka -> Derince
Continent Lines: From Ambarlı – Derince – Gemlik – Izmir to Rotterdam, Antwerp, and Hambur ports -> Ambarli
(Sub Inducement) – Departing every 10 days with a swift transit time of 7 days!

All purpose Cargo handling
From project cargoes, machinery, and heavy-weight pieces to bulk cargoes/grains and shippers’ own containers, we handle it all with precision and expertise.

Expanded service
With sufficient inducement, we’re ready to extend our service with additional port calls between the The Marmara Sea and the Adriatic/Aegean Sea for our Adriatic lines, and between Marmara / Aegean Sea and Continent for our continent lines. Choose from vessels ranging from 3,000 mts up to 7,000 mts fort he Adriatic Lines and 5.000 mts upto 11.000 for the Continent lines, ensuring your cargo is transported efficiently and securely.

Experience the excellent River transportation service with Angora Shipping.
We provide seamless pre-and on-carriage transports via barges along the main waterways of Danube, Rhine, Dnjepr, Donau Volga, Neva, and Main ports, for to bulk cargoes, partial and complete loadings, containers, heavy cargoes, and project loading.

Transshipment Excellence
We provide transshipment, storage and survey services in the key ports along the Danube, Rhine and main rivers as well as in Black Sea, Adriatic, and Continent ports including Antwerp, Rotterdam, and Hamburg.

Expended service
Angora Shipping arranges river vessel transports across European and Russian river and Channel systems, serving both national and international clients with precision and expertise.
Discover our range of services, including pre- and on-carriages to/from river and seaports, river transport between North and Black Sea ports, handling in river and sea ports, rail transport within Europe and Russia, and combined transports, all tailored to meet your specific needs.

River routes and ports
The Danube Barge with units of 1,000mt each, with transshipment points spanning from Constanza(RO) to various destinations including Rousse (BG) Beograd/Smederevo/Novisad (RS) Budapest(HU).
From Bratislava (SK) to Vienna/Krems /Enns / Linz (AU).
From Passau / Regensburg (GE) Transit to all destinations in Germany.
The Volgograd river transportation starts from the Volga/ Don and the transshipment from Istanbul to Rostov (RU), Strakhan (RU), Aktau(KZ), Baku (AZ), Turkmenbasi (TK) and Bandar Anzali (IR).